12 Months of Giving
Each month we pick a local small non-profit to feature and make a donation. Below are the organizations that we have featured this year! Our clients and partners suggest the organizations that they feel are influential in our communities.
Since 1977, the Crime Victims Treatment Center has been helping survivors of interpersonal violence heal. Our support comes in the forms of crisis intervention, individual and group trauma-focused therapy, legal advocacy, complementary therapy and psychiatric consultation. We are available from the moments following an assault, all the way through the culmination of a survivor's healing process. All of our services are confidential and completely free of charge.


Volunteers of Backpacks For The Street pack items like first aid kits, water, socks, toothpaste and snacks into colorful backpacks and distribute them to the homeless people of New York City.
With teams of volunteers, BFTS has helped more than 30,000 unsheltered individuals by providing food and life saving services throughout the COVID pandemic.
HOPE Empowers New Yorkers To Build Sustainable Futures Through Comprehensive Training, Jobs, Advancement And Lifelong Career Support.
Their comprehensive approach combines training, adult basic education, industry certifications, work wellness services, internships, and job placement with long-term support. As a result, their job retention rates are among the highest in the field. Their graduates’ success drives strong results for employers, supporters, and our community.


Riverkeeper protects and restores the Hudson River from source to sea and safeguards drinking water supplies, through advocacy rooted in community partnerships, science, and law.
WARM is dedicated to providing a personal approach to healing by walking with survivors side by side in their journey. We help navigate frontlines and serve those under-resourced, left with little to no aid. Going beyond formalities, we support survivors and our community effectively by cutting through the bureaucracy that too often delays, derails, and blocks the help people need.


The Mission of Trauma and Resiliency Resources (TRR) is to end military suicides. They do this by focusing on Military Moral Injury© – a term coined to describe the wounding to the heart and soul of our warfighters and to distinguish that experience from what others are calling “moral injuries.” TRR saves the lives of military veterans, and also improves and changes their lives. They do this through our Warrior Camp® program. TRR’s focus is not simply on the prevention of veteran suicide, but on improving the day-to-day lives of our nation's combat veterans and the people closest to them.
Rethink Certified is a certification program for food system stakeholders, including restaurants, food services, retailers, and food producers – recognizing bold efforts by all while also creating a network of aligned partners working together towards the mission of creating a more sustainable and equitable food system. By creating connections across the food system, they're empowering change and scaling impact.
Founded as Friends of Island Academy in 1990, Youth Justice Network was created by a group of educators, social service staff, and community-based advocates at the alternative high school on Rikers Island — known then as Island Academy. They are part of an advocacy movement seeking to permanently close Rikers. Thanks to the collective work of committed advocates, there are no more 16-17-year-olds incarcerated on Rikers Island.

Designed to encourage and promote women’s role in the advertising industry, the club held classes and dinners with presentations on advertising best practices and gave scholarships to encourage girls to pursue degrees in advertising during a time when women weren’t even allowed in many universities.
Roots. Wounds. Words. is for Us Black. Us Latinx. Us Indigenous. Us Brown. Us POC. Us felons. Us formerly incarcerated. Us currently incarcerated. Us living under Community Supervision and Control. It’s for Us queer. Us trans. Us gender nonconforming. Us LGBTQIA+. Us poverty-born. Us trauma survivors. Us marginalized. Us brazen. Us revolutionaries. Us.

Her Justice stands with women living in poverty in New York City by recruiting and mentoring volunteer lawyers to provide free legal help to address individual and systemic legal barriers.